Sunday, September 9, 2007

Double-Sided Tape

pg. 38 Ex. 2

#1 According to David Zinczenko, fast-food restaurants are to blame for the increasing obesity problem in America. He made this clear in "Don't Blame the Eater" where he questioned "where consumers, particularly teenagers, were supposed to find alternatives." Clearly, he forgot to take into consideration that America is booming with all sorts of eating establishments. Yes, fast-food makes up a large percent of these restaurants, but one cannot slip away from the fact that these are not the ONLY places to satisfy one's hunger. Zinczenko claims the availability and costliness of healthier eating hinders consumers choices and nudges them towards fast-food. Have we forgotten all together about home-cooked meals? And when was the last time a double cheeseburger, super-size fries, and large pepsi was cheaper than a simple frozen dinner from the grocery store? The last time I checked, there was a Jewel or some other type of grocery store in every town, just as there are McDonald's. From there, it is up to the consumer as to which way they'll go.

#2 In "Don't Blame the Eater," by David Zinczenko, fast-food restaurants are to blame for the youthful obesity. They do not provide the proper health information for each item on the menu, and if there happens to be any, it is rather deceiving, tricking the consumer into thinking they're eating fewer calories when actually it is doubled. With these fast-food chains popping up all around America on every corner of the street, and with their extreme availability and cheaper prices, consumers, teenagers especially, are drawn to them. This is a serious problem indeed, however, bringing lawsuits against these companies doesn't seem to be the proper solution. In the end, it is the people's choice where they eat. No one is forcing them to go the unhealthy path. Although the restaurants are rather luring in their advertisements, they do not control the decisions consumers make...that is unless they are using subliminal messaging. That's a whole other story.


KaldariaQ said...

first off, PLEASE if your going to use Green text..make the background a darker color...(I had to highlight your text to read it, if you dont know how contact me and ill show you)

On a much lighter note however your first Summary was very nice, the first part matched up with your own view on the subject rather nicely.

However on the 2nd one, you didn't mention lawsuites in the first half of Davids part of the summary. Your idea about lawsuites in the second half seem to come out of no were. Other than that though they were both nice reads. (hard to tell your side until your part. which was the idea.)

Gazing Forth said...

You seemed a little more passionate with America finding alternatives to fast food, so I'll venture a guess and say that was the position you held.


Jameela said...

so i changed my font color...

I agreed with summary #1 a little more than #2...they both branched out a little bit differently from the topic at hand, so each summary contains pieces of information that I can agree with.

KaldariaQ said...

Tnx for changing the color lol now its much easier to read.